Nanny Jobs in Canada -
Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton ,Ottawa, Winnipeg |
Need a Nanny? * Looking at Nanny services for the first time? * Trying
to find Nanny jobs? * Need a nanny service? * Looking for nanny jobs? *
Well Nanny and Caregiver Services is here for you! |
Whatever your role in child care, you can search our
extensive database for the very latest Nanny positions in the
Nanny positions typically include everything child
related: Light housekeeping, errands, kids' meals, kids'
laundry, and attending/driving the children throughout the day.
The average Full-Time Nanny makes $475-$700 per week. This
depends on experience, education level, number of children, and
hours worked. Full-Time Nannies usually work 36-50 hours per
The average Part-Time Nanny makes $11-$15 per hour. This depends
on experience, education level, number of children, and hours
worked. Part-Time Nannies work 10-35 hours per week. |
Main nanny Duties:
- Care for & stimulate the child/children both mentally &
physically, to ensure their intellectual, physical & social
- Take & collect the child/children to & from school safely & on
time. Prepare a lunch box as required. Inform parents well in
advance of activities requiring their attendance.
- Find out about activities in the local area. Ensure that the
child/children get regular fresh air & exercise.
- Plan & undertake activities on a one to one basis & with other
children of the same age. Develop speech, reading, numbers, letters,
colors, social & practical skills.
- Organize & prepare a healthy, varied & well balanced diet of
home cooked food. Eat with the child/children & supervise meal
times, encouraging proper use of cutlery, & behavior.
- Look after child's/children's physical well being - wash & bath
them daily, help them to dress & undress, cut nails weekly, ensure
hair is cut regularly, & that shoes get refitted regularly.
- Look after all the child's/children's clothes. This includes all
washing ∓ ironing by the weekend, shoes regularly cleaned,
clothes & soft toys mended; Put aside clothes that no longer fit.
- Look after all toys, painting/drawing equipment, books; rotate
their use, clean regularly, put away after use & before parents
return home.
- Keep child's/children's room clean & tidy as well as the
nanny's. Change bed linen weekly or as required. Clean rooms
thoroughly weekly.
- Keep kitchen, bathroom & living room clean & tidy after
child/children & nanny have used them.
- Ensure that clothes, books, toys, linen, food, drinks are
prepared & packed in readiness for holidays/weekends away.
- Organize birthday parties & special events.
- Maintain a diary & inform parents daily of child's/children's
activities & communicate regularly as to how the child is
All nannies that join Nanny Services must hold a
valid first aid certificate and be able to:
- Manage life-threatening conditions.
- Outline principles of resuscitation.
- Name minor injuries & understand causes of unconsciousness
- Perform CPR for babies, children & adults
- Identify signs of shock.
- Identify signs of anaphylactic shock
- Manage choking for babies, children & adults
Differentiate between minor/major incidents & deal with an emergency
We provide Nanny Job in Barrie belleville, ON Calgary chatham-kent
comox valley Cornwall cranbrook, BC edmonton fraser valley ft mcmurray
guelph halifax Hamilton burlington kamloops kelowna kingston, ON
Kitchener waterloo cambridge lethbridge london, ON montreal nanaimo new
brunswick newfoundland / labrador niagara region Ottawa hull gatineau
owen sound peterborough prince edward island prince george quebec city
red deer regina saguenay sarnia saskatchewan sault ste marie, ON
sherbrooke sudbury territories thunder bay Toronto trois-rivieres
vancouver, BC victoria whistler windsor Winnipeg Ontario British
Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Yukon Newfoundland and Labrador
New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island